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Summary from Annual report 2005

Program for the support of sustainable energy sources

summary 1

2005 was important for the future shape of Czech Energy policies. Parties in the Parliament were battling over legislation on renewable energy production subsidies which we helped to conceive. Despite our reservations concerning its final text, we consider the new law as a success in the preparation of a basis for the development of clean energy production in the Czech Republic. We were in touch with deputies and senators also in order to discuss new nuclear legislation, back again in the legislative process after an adjournment in the Senate. It was supposed to set right the existing preferential treatment of the nuclear industry and in particular to help municipalities chosen by the State administration as candidates for spent nuclear fuel depositories.

We were also very busy in our energy consulting activities. We noticed an increase of interest in consultancy, in particular on renewable energy sources. Together with the opening of energy market work increased with clients of the Association of Energy Consumers to which we have been providing contractual consultancy until the end of year. The piece de résistance of our information activities were lectures given in high schools and universities as well as those aimed at the general public. As an example, let's mention contributions on the issue of wind energy at the conference "Face of our Earth - the homeland landscape" in Průhonice or at the conference Renewable Sources of Energy in Hradec Králové.
We sold the project of coupled wind generators near Pavlov in Czech Highlands. Hence we finalized several years of failed efforts to build them. We did not manage to solve the key problem - investment resources. Thanks to the sale of the project together with all the necessary authorizations, Calla had at least recuperated its money spent on the project.

Energy project are being realized by Edvard Sequens aided by the Program Assistant. During the last year, the former Assistant Petra Veselá returned to Prague and was replaced by Hana Gabrielová.

Program for the protection of environment and landscape

Lynx Lynx
Lynx Lynx

Last year brought principal, perhaps existential changes to the program of nature protection. Becoming an equitable partner within the project of the ecology consultancies network KRASEC, Calla had given a new shape to the center of public participation SÚVa. In fact this means a logical and beneficial interconnection of the activities linked to our participation in authorization and decision-making processes and the efforts for the improvement of participation of the general public providing consultancy and organizing information and educational events. Throught the intermediary of the Civic Society Development Foundation (NROS) we received a grant from the Transition Facility program supported by the EU in order to continue with the project "Protection of South-Bohemian Nature - citizens issue".

This support was intended to link with the former active participation in administrative procedures, including the possibility to consecrate us to long-term issues and campaigns. Equally, the project allowed us to strengthen the program of nature conservation hiring a specialized Assistant, a botanist, which alongside other issues will improve our potential for proposed and implemented projects of the whole program. The new amendments of certain laws, in particular Act Nr. 114/1992 Sb. brought certain restrictions to our activities. Fortunately, other laws restricting the functioning of NGOs and narrowing the nature conservation were not approved. One of our main activities in the last year was the ongoing campaign against the construction of a winter sports center in the military area of Boletice. After the inclusion of Boletice within the Natura 2000 network by the governmental decision Nr. 19/2005 (Establishment of Special Protection Areas and inclusion into the list of Sites of Community Importance) by the end of 2005 the second part of demand of the petition was also achieved against the construction of the Chlum winter sports center, because the South-Bohemian Region resigned to its plans of building the center in this location. Certainly it was not only the 6072 signatures under the petition that contributed to this decision, but equally other activities of the NGOs and of the Calla Association.

Tetrao Urogallus
Tetrao Urogallus

We paid attention to decision-making processes of land-use plans, where we presented a number of comments to the proposal for the large upland area called Novohradské hory and to other land-use plans stressing on the due conservation of nature and landscape during planned urban development. Depending on the importance of the issue, we were entering into the processes of environmental assessment for the constructions following the Act Nr. 100/2001 Sb. (EIA) and we tried to improve the involvement of general public and to attract more public attention to these processes. In particular, this concerned two projects of the LIDL company in České Budějovice, the construction of highway D3 and motorway R3 and the construction of a factory for bitumen treatment near the village Hůry. Under the pressure of the general public, municipality and on the basis of presented assessments, the investor abandoned the last project.

Thanks to the project KRASEC increased the number of cultural, information and educational events. Among the most successful was the exhibition "The Nature of Boletice", accompanied by topical lectures in different locations. Green Thursdays oriented to the protection of nature were traditionally met with interest from the general public. After cancellation of the transport program, we joined the campaign Day Without Car and the European Week of Mobility, organizing a panel discussion on the issue "Has the Railway in South Bohemia been given a Green Light?" accompanied with an info kiosk in front of České Budějovice Town Hall.

Management of the Brouskův Mlýn National Nature Reservation


Maintance of the Brouskův Mlýn reservation
Maintance of the Brouskův Mlýn reservation

Equally, we continued our care for the Brouskův Mlýn National nature reserve and thanks to the help of students and Calla supporters we managed to accomplish the task to the required quality and deadline.
We mowed and cleaned/raked and burned up on reserved fire spots approximately 5 hectares of land reeds and waterlogged under-bushes and of sedge meadows. During this work altogether 38 persons worked 1 568 hours, for which they were duly paid.

Ecology Consulting of Calla Association - Advisory service for you!

We provide general ecology consulting, while specializing in two fields - nature and environment conservation and sustainable energy. In June started the implementation of a two years project of building of an ecology consultancies network in South-Bohemian region called KRASEC.

"Ďáblík" and other information activities

Calla Palustris
Calla Palustris

We publish the e-magazin "Ďáblík" which provides information about our activities and projects. It contains opinions, topical essays, invitations, advice and other important information. Information is also available on our internet homepage. With the co-operation of the ROSA association we hold regular workshops called 'Green Thursdays', with interesting guests discussing various topics concerning the environment. We regularly take part in ecological markets, with a stand with educational and advertising materials.

Management report for 2005

Income in 2005:

membership fees
9 700
EU program Transition Facility - NROS
744 800
25 678
esf - Operation Program of Human Resources
434 400
14 977
Partnership Foundation  
284 000
9 792
grant of The Netherlands Embassy in the Czech Republic  
168 000
5 792
Ecology Consultancies Network STEP
15 300
grant of High-Austrian government
417 000
14 384
Grune Liga Berlin
40 400
1 393
Czech Otter Endowment Fund
5 000
rental of office space
28 800
principal activity
1 134 500
39 114
interests from bank accounts
13 000
Income Total
3 295 100
113 605

Expenses in 2005:

salary costs (including social and health insurance) 1 176 500 40 562
consultancy and specialist's expertise 42 000 1 448
purchase of services 457 400 15 770
printing, copying of materials, toners  68 300 2 355
travel expenses   30 100 1 038
publicity 8 400 290
office rent 114 600 3 951
energy 19 600 676
telephone, internet 101 500 3 499
postal fees 21 100 727
stationery and minor expenses  42 200 1 455
technical equipment, software 53 300 1 838
purchase of equipment
(10% share within the project NROS)
91 300 3 148
repairs, maintenance, toners 46 700 1 610
specialized literature, magazines 6 300 217
office equipment   10 100 348
office and employees insurance 4 400 151
membership fees in other organizations 3 000 103
bank fees  6 300 217
Expenses Total
2 303 100
79 403

Profit for 2005
992 000
3 420

Rate of exchange as of 31.12.2006: 1 EUR = 28,165 CZK (Czech Crowns)

Note: This is not merely profit, but these resources were provided by grants for the realization of projects supported in 2006

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 © 2000 Association Calla
Calla   |   Frani Sramka 35, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice   |   tel: +420 384 971 930   |   calla(at)