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Seminars and Conferences

All links below are in the Czech language

  November 9, 2015 - Seminar "Diagnosis: Uranium Dreams and Nightmares" was held at Barevná kavárna in Prague on November 4. It was organized by Centre for Transport and Energy (CDE) and Calla. It was dedicated to the health problems of workers and residents in the vicinity of uranium mines in Namibia and the Czech Republic, especially in the Liberec region, where the reclamation of land after mining costs tens of billions of Czech crowns. The problematic plans for new uranium mining in the Czech Republic were also analysed. Presentations in Czech by Josef Jadrný (Deputy Governor of Liberec Regional Authority), Miroslav Šuta (the health consultant at Centre for Environment and Health (CŽPZ) and Edvard Sequens (the energy consultant at Calla) and photographs from the seminar are here. Presentation on Namibia in English by Bertschen Kohrs (Chairman of EarthLife) can be found here.

  November 11, 2014 - Calla organized the seminar "Environmentally and Economically Friendly Lighting for the South Bohemian Villages" at the Regional Council of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. New technologies and proper management that will reduce costs for public lighting and save the environment were introduced here. Presentations are here.

  April 29, 2014 - Calla, South Bohemian Mothers and Friends of the Earth Czech Republic organized "The Economic Limits of Nuclear Energy" at the Smetana Hall of the Autoclub ČR in Prague. Speakers were: Mycle Schneider, Rudi Anschober, Stephen Thomas, Claudia Kemfert, Ivan Beneš, Michael Šnobr, Jan Ondřich, Franz Leidenmühler and Michael Nagl. For more information please visit


November 1, 2013 - Calla prepared the seminar "The Energy Autonomic Villages - An Opportunity for the Local Economy" which took place at the Regional Council of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Presentations are here.

  June 19, 2013 - Calla co-organized the international conference "Towards Energy Autonomy of Municipalities and Regions". You can get acquainted with the practical experience of mayors and other opinion leaders of regional events in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic in these presentations.

  November 21, 2012 - Calla in co-operation with the Green Circle held the seminar "The Czech Republic Without Coal and Nuclear" in České Budějovice. How does the Czech energetics look like and what price do we pay for our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear? How does the energy world around us change? Do we need additional reactors at Temelín or are there other ways? Can we do just with renewables? Presentations are here.

Pasivní dům
  November 9, 2012 - Calla prepared the seminar "Challenges in the Near Future: Zero-Energy Buildings" which was organized in response to the new requirements of the Czech Act on energy performance in terms of construction and energy standards for buildings and energy performance certificates. Presentations are here.

  March 1, 2012 -South Bohemian Mothers (JČM) and Calla organized the international conference "Stress Tests of Nuclear Power Plants – Security Checkup or Propaganda?" Presentations and other information are here.

  October 13, 2011 - Heinrich Böll Stiftung together with Hnutí Duha, Calla and the Green Academy in Prague organized the conference "Green Energy and Nuclear Power: Who Owns the Future?" The speakers were, for example, Mycle Schneider (the author of "World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2011"), the economist Steve Thomas of the University of Greenwich, František Hrdlička, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Prague (ČVUT), consultant Petr Otčenášek, Martin Bursík (the former Minister of the Environment) and other experts. Presentations can be downloaded from here.

  May 31, 2011 - Calla, Hnutí Duha, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Prague and the Czech professional associations for renewable energy sources organized the seminar "Germany Without Nuclear Power Plants. And What About the Czech Republic?" At an event in the Conference Hall of the European House in Prague spoke German experts Lutz Mez of the Freie Universität Berlin and Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, president of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), Michal Šváb of Energy Analyses and Consulting (ENA Ltd.), an energy consultant Petr Holub and Edvard Sequens from Calla. Presentations in pdf format can be downloaded from here.

  March 29, 2011 - Calla and Hnutí Duha organized the seminar "Smart Energy for South Bohemia" which was held at the Regional Council of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. It introduced an alternative energy concept for the Czech Republic, the results of a study on the potential of home insulation and also focused on the issue of heat production in České Budějovice, where plans for the utilization of biomass for heat generation, a heat pipeline from Temelín or incineration of municipal waste are being introduced in addition to the existing brown coal-fired boilers. Presentations can be downloaded here.

ilustrační logo
  January 31, 2011 - Calla organized a series of seminars in potential localities for storage of radioactive waste. The last occurred in Pačejov (Březový potok) on 31st January 2011. The presentation "Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste and the Rights of Affected Communities" by Pavel Doucha can be downloaded here and "Security of Geological Disposal Facility and Transport of Radioactive Waste" by Dalibor Stráský, an independent consultant, is here.

  December 1, 2010 - Hnutí Duha, Calla and Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the seminar "Smart Support for Clean Energy - How Should the State Improve Support For Renewable Energy?" in the Chamber of Deputies in Prague. Presentations and other information can be found here. Final summary of the seminar is here.

ucast verejnosti
  September 6, 2010 - Calla and Krasec organized the seminar "Public Participation in Administrative Proceedings II." which was held at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Na Zlaté stoce 1 (Department of Botany - "Villa"). The theoretical part was followed by practical examples and solutions.

pasivní dům
  April 9, 2010 - Calla organized the seminar "Passive Houses – Housing For You" which was held in the boardroom of South Bohemian Regional Authority in České Budějovice. Top experts responded to participants' questions about these modern, efficient and healthy buildings. Presentations are here.

zmena klima

September 30, 2009 - Calla, Veronica Ecological Institute and Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the seminar "Global Climate Change - Facts and Fiction" which was held at the great hall of the Auditorium at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Presentations can be downloaded here.

JETE (foto p. Pavel)

April 28, 2009- Hnutí Duha, Calla and Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the international conference "Nuclear Renaissance in Reality - Economic and Safety Aspects of Nuclear Energy" which was held in the auditorium of the ABF Foundation on Wenceslas Square in Prague. Presentations and information are here.

Větrná elektrárna Pavlov

March 10, 2009 - Out of all renewable energy sources, wind turbines trigger probably the most negative reactions on the part of nature and landscape protection. The aim of the seminar "Wind Turbines and the Environment" with the debate of experts was to define the conditions that will allow the use of wind energy while minimizing environmental impacts. Program and presentations can be downloaded here. More in a press release.

pozvánka na seminář

November 20, 2008- The seminar "The Context of Uranium Mining" was organized by Calla in co-operation with NGO Our Podještědí (Naše Podještědí) in Liberec. It concerned the issue of a possible recovery of uranium mining in the Czech Republic. More in the press release. Papers and the brochure can be downloaded here.

Nadace rozvoje občanské společnosti

September 29, 2008- Calla in cooperation with the Environmental legal service (now Frank Bold) with financial support of Civil Society Development Foundation (NROS) and the Ministry of the Environment organized the seminar "Public Participation in Administrative Proceedings" at the Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

Seminář - ilustrační foto

April 14, 2008- The seminar "Restoration of Degraded Mining Sites and Legislation" within the premises of the Ministry of the Environment in Prague. For additional information, see a press release. It was attended by 40 civil servants, academics and NGOs. Less  » More »

Papers were presented by Karel Prach (Faculty of Science at University of South Bohemia, Academy of Sciences of ČR), Jiří Řehounek (Calla), Petra Konvalinková (Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia, Daphne ČR), Miroslav Hátle (Protected Landscape Area Management in Třeboň), Tomáš Gremlica and Jiří Sádlo (Institute for Environmental Policy) and Ondřej Tošner (Studio for the Environment).
After some papers, and especially at the end of the seminar, a lively discussion evolved about the barriers that prevent greater use of near-natural forms of recovery of degraded mining sites (spontaneous succession, controlled succession, etc.). Participants agreed that in future it would be appropriate to remove these obstacles and keep at least 20 % of disturbed mining sites for them.

March 26, 2008 - Calla participated in the Hnutí Duha's seminar "Possibilities of Energy Savings in Residential and Office Buildings in the Czech Republic", which was held in Prague. The invitation is here (pdf, 334 KB).

September 27 – October 18, 2007 - Calla organized in co-operation with the towns of Písek and Tábor two seminars called "Efficient Waste Management in the Village – How To Do It?" designed for mayors and representatives of local communities mainly in Písek and Tábor areas, as well as the environmental protection officials and those interested from the NGOs who are dealing with the issue in the long term.

November 23, 2006 - The seminar called "Meaning, utilization and protection of sand pits in South Bohemia" which was held in České Budějovice. The seminar should introduce participants to the importance of sand pits for nature and the landscape of South Bohemia. It serves for the exchange of information among people who dedicate their work to gravel extraction from different perspectives. The invitation and program are here. Please, download the report for more information.

nuclear energy - myth and reality March 28, 2006 - Calla in co-operation with Friends of the Earth Czech Republic (Hnutí DUHA) and with support of Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the international conference called "Economic Aspects of Nuclear Power". More details, photos and presentations from speakers here.

November 11, 2005 - The seminar called "Sun for Historic Sites - Can Historic Buildings Withstand Solar Panels?" was organized by Calla in co-operation with the League of Ecological Alternatives in České Budějovice. Some of the reports can be read here.

February 4, 2005 - The seminar called "The Radioactive Waste Management and the Public" took place in the Plenary Session Hall of Wallenstein Palace, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The seminar was organized by Jitka Seitlová, member of the Senate and council member of the Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO), with professional and organisational support of non-governmental organisations Friends of the Earth Czech Republic (Hnutí DUHA) and Calla.
For further information see the press release.
To download some of the contributions and view some photographs click here.
The stenographic record of the whole seminar can be downloaded here (doc, 358 kB)

November 24, 2004 - The third solar energy-orientated Czech-Austrian conference called "The SUN 2004" took place within the framework of the "AQUA-THERM" trade fair in Prague. The relevant lectures can be found here.

June 23, 2003 - The seminar called "Renewable Energy Sources and the Regional Energetic Concepts" was organized by Calla in co-operation with the Ministry of the Environment. The reports presented during the seminar may be downloaded here.

September 19 - 20, 2002 - The first Czech-Austrian solar conference called "The SUN 2002" took place in Brno. Its participants signed a collective memorandum.

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